Thursday 4 October 2012

Learner Response This is a scene from the Mentalist, whereby there is a character that is playing dumb and attempts to get away with murder. You are able to identify that Patrick (Protagonist) is wearing his suit which he is most well known for and gives off a sense of professionalism. His character seems intrigued by the antagonist for this particular episode, Tommy and wants to know how and why he has committed this brutal murder. The lighting in this scene suggests that Tommy is indeed hiding something because of the shadows across his face. This suddenly changes at 2:11 whereby his facial features and expression changes because he realises that he has been caught and this creates a sense of shock to the audience because it dawns on them that they have all been duped by someone who has pulled off a character who pretends to be mentally sick. The costume also applies to this character because you are able to see that he is dressed with a child's mentality and therefore reinforces this character's image to the audience. Posted by Aqeel at 02:17 No comments:

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